Sunday, August 29, 2010

Can a School Punish a Student for an Explicit Campaign Speech?

In 1986, in front of 600 students in a school assembly, 17-year-old Matthew Fraser, a student at Bethel High School in Washington, strung together a list of double-entendres, saying the candidate he supported was...(click here to read the rest of Fraser's speech)

The Supreme Court said:
Bethel High School officials in Washington did not violate the First Amendment by punishing 17-year-old Matthew Fraser for a campaign speech that was considered lewd. Both of the lower courts had ruled for Fraser because there was no disruption following the speech given in the school auditorium.

“The process of educating our youth for citizenship in public schools is not confined to books, the curriculum, and the civics class; schools must teach by example the shared values of a civilized social order.”

“The process of educating our youth for citizenship in public schools is not confined to books, the curriculum, and the civics class; schools must teach by example the shared values of a civilized social order.” (from Bethel v. Fraser)

What do you think?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Left, right...what?

Here's a great graphic to help you understand what is typically considered "left" and "right" political values in the United States (click here for larger version):

How to Post Correctly and Receive Credit

It's Wednesday and the vast majority of you still need two posts by this Sunday, at 11:59 p.m. Here are a few pointers:
1. If you are going to post anonymously, I HAVE TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE. E-mail me your handle (a person's alias, nickname, or code name.) to

How to sign in without a Google account:
1. Type in your comment.
2. On the drop down menu click "Name/URL"
3. Type in your name or your "handle"
4. Don't post anything in the URL field.
5. Click submit. The post will then come to me for approval.

Good? E-mail me with any questions.

Happy blogging.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Two part question today:

What do you expect out of me as your teacher this nine weeks?

Why should we even care about government and politics in the first place?