Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Most Intense Campaign Ad...ever

Someone should win an Academy Award for this video


  1. This video really is sweet! its so funny to me how it seams like everyone regrets Obama getting into office

  2. It seems that whatever party is in charge tries to promote itself, while the party trying to get power back, puts the other party down. Like in this Campaign Ad, the Republicans aren't promoting themselves, they are just showing all the bad things that the Democrats did. It is easier to anger the people than to inspire them.

  3. I think this is a very serious and intense campaign but its a little bit of an exaggeration because Bush really screwed up as a president and theres alot of things OBAMA came into office that were holding him up from doing what he planned on doing on his own. So we keep blaming but we dont know what OBAMA is trying to do so people should keep the hush on him not doing anything. I think people should clean their own kitchen before trying to harp onto someone else's kitchen ... meaning we dont know what has gone on and dont know the behind the scene stuff..

  4. this ad is hilarious but a bit over the top. i am not saying i agree or disagree with it but there are alot of accusations in this ad with no supporting evidince.

  5. Wow...
    That IS intense!
    But like I said before, it just looks like a lot of back stabbing and people pointing the finger trying to make themselves look better.
    I just hope they are better this time around.

  6. My computer wont let me see the video but when you showed us all in class i remember this being a really cool video and I felt like yelling "ya" really loudly and wanted to smash something. I dont know why I wanted to smash something. but it was a really cool video. I agree it diserves an Academy Award.

  7. I think this is a great campaign ad. It keeps you on the edge of your seat, and really draws in the viewer.

  8. This video to me had a lot of power with it. It was very direct and stated what they were there to do. This video sent chills down my spine when we watched it.

  9. This video was very funny and I enjoyed it very much because it showed me how serious the republicans are about changing what the democrats have produced while in office. The video clearly showed that the republicans were also fed up with all of the taxing that has caused more debt instead of getting the country out of debt. The video to me most definitely suits the people around the country because it focused on the health care issue which has taken away health care from the people.
