I really dont know a lot about our goverment system and you seam to Mr. Fitz so i really am expecting to leave the class with and incredibly broadened knowledge of our goverment system! i plan to vote when i am of age and i wanna know how my vote counts and what im voting for! and its damn important to know about your goverment system and to not just live by it but know what rules and system your living by!!
Well..I never really expect alot from a teacher when it comes to it all I can ask for is to know more about our goverment and the way they work "behind the scenes". I will never question your teaching abilities and your knowledge for this class or anything else that you may throw at us if its knowledge then its one more thing to learn and use to be successful. So welcome to Hebron and I hope you enjoy teaching our class!
Why should we care about politics ?? Well Number one ..why shouldn't we? I think the Gov. is a very interesting thing to know about there are many things we dont know that may be more interesting than the things we already know such as how a bill becomes a law and other boring stuff. I bet if we paid enough attention to what is really going on then we would have something to back ourself on when in a debate and not to go off of things we "THINK" we know. JUST SAYIN
I don't really know what to think of this class yet, but it seems like you are probably going to make the class interesting, and have things for us to do each day instead of just a bunch of note taking. It's important that we care about government and politics because our votes and actions are going to shape the nation, and ignorant voting is bad for everyone.
from you mr.fritz i excpect a lot of good old fashioned humor mixed in with our govenrment system. becuase in all honosty how can we not have a good time in your class with presidents like obama to make fun of. and to answer the second question i think we should care so much about our government and its politics becuase it will effect us in some way or another, whether it be taxes or illigal immigration. both things i try to keep up to date with as much as possible. ( sorry about the spelling )
i expect to learn alot about our government as well as some interestingly funny facts. with obama its hard not to crack a few jokes. you seem to be a great teacher with a lot of enthusiasm which is great cuase this class will put you to the test for sure. and for the second question, its important to care becuase the government spends my taxes everyday and id like to know where its going. oh and for the good of the people... ( sorry about the spelling )
I expect to have a fun, interesting, and different kind of learning experience. A lot of past history teachers have made me shy away from it, but I expect that you will get us involved and help us actually enjoy the class.
We should care about government because it is the institution of our country. Without it, there would be no one to enforce the laws and policies. "Politics enables a society to decide who will reap the benefits, and who will pay the costs of its public policies"(the textbook) If we start ignoring the government and politics, America won't be able to survive in the modern world. Ignorance would lead to destruction. All heck would break loose, and everyone would have to fend for themselves. We should also learn about the government, so we know how it affects us in our daily lives. We have to know if the government is going to let us keep our civil rights, going to go to war, or take away all our social security.
My expectations for you is along as you can get us from point A to point B it's alright. It don't matter if its a smooth ride or a rough ride. As long as you can give us the info to pass your class with a 100 that's fine by me.
We should care about government because our lives and our wallets are on the line. And those are the two most important things in life.
I expect to learn from you in a slightly non conformist way and have fun doing it! What I've seen the past two days is exciting and I look forward to coming to your class. You have expectations for us but you don't try to over control, and you also relate to us without trying. It's very cool...to me anyways.
We need to care about government and politics because its our future. My generation has the power to change and control our future. Living in a democracy is gift, but you have to understand in order to initiate change. Our future can be bright if we, the government,the economy etc. can hold on until November 2012.
What do I expect from you these next eight and a half weeks? NO HOMEWORK!!!... I can at least hope. I expect you to get me up to date on all the mumbo jumbo in politics and government. You seem to love what you're doing and hopefully that passion will rub off on me.
Honestly I dont know why politics are THAT important. All it is, is drama. It gets people riled up and rigid and on edge with each other for most of the time. Don't get me wrong, we need a system in order to keep us organized and out of trouble, there's no doubt about that. But it's just a lot of back stabbing and law suites if you ask me.
Hmmm, no homework is probably not going to happen. But in order to get credit for these posts I'm going to have to know who you are...
Yes there is a lot of back-stabbing and lawsuits that goes on in politics. But my job is to help you see through the crooks and liars so you can understand the system.
"Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." -Winston Churchill
I expect to have an enjoyable class where I can learn alot. I'm pretty happy that I have a teacher that likes The Onion as much as I do. (I've watched most of their videos on youtube)
I expect to be more educated about the system that runs our country. Many Americans are blind when it comes to current events and I hope I can be more motivated in this class to stay up to date with things going on around the world. It is important to be educated about government and politics because one must know his rights explicitly and know how to assert them. We also need to understand why certain decisions have or will be made and know who these decisions will really affect. Citizens should be aware of what the people who run this country are doing and not just accept hearing the word from other people at dinner.
This nine weeks I would love to be able to really know whats going on in the political world. I have a general idea but would really like to know more. I mean I have the Huffington Post app on my phone but I tend to head directly towards the entertainment and comedy sections as I am not as informed on the political section. And the reason we should care is because all the stuff the government is doing now is what were going to live with. and to make informed decisions as a voter we need to know the history behind things. and because we get money if we care enough to pass the AP test.:)
Like what pretty much everyone else said, I'm not quite sure what exactly to expect out of you as a teacher. Based on my experiences over the past couple of days, I'm sure I'll be learning a lot about the formation of our government and how it's constantly changing and yet, fundamentally, staying the same. You're obviously very enthusiastic and passionate about what you're teaching and I love the fact that you're a fan of the onion =]. Because our government affects us directly, it's important for us to be aware of what rules we're following and why we're following them, as well as how to make our opinions heard so that we as Americans can contribute to this "democracy". We live in this country and we should know how it runs. "People who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives." - James Madison
To expect enlightenment would be a fallacy. No insult to you Mr Fitz. In order to harbor a biased and holistic understanding of our government processes, I feel it necessary to come with relatively low expectations for the political machines in action. Pessimissism? No, Absolutely not. Rather, it's a hope to come to terms with the sobering aspects of government and see through all the ideological "hooplah."
I expect you, Mr. Fitz, to be an instructor that teaches me AP government to the degree that I can be successful on the AP Exam. Your teaching style is unique and as long as the information gets in with minimal pain, I'm all in.
Second, government and politics may seem distant and removed from much of our daily lives. In reality, knowing about what systems and institutions guide our lives and what decisions are being made can be immensely important. Thus, the material that is taught in the textbook can and should be applied to our daily lives so that we can be well aware of our political surroundings that affect not only policies but our job, families, communities etc.
I hope that by the end of the class I'll have a clear understanding of how I can be involved in our government. Not only through voting though. By the end of the class I hope that we'll understand more of how to effectively make changes in our government outside of just going to a voting booth every few years.
We should care about our government because without that care then the power behind way the our government works is destroyed. Without caring about our government our government won't care about us.
since mr. fitz is a young teacher, i expect that i can communicate more than older teachers. i dont know about other government class teachers but i bet mr. fitz are the best!
we need to know the government because we needto know whats going on in the world and we can get some help and protections from governments in this auch a violent world. and i dont know much about amerocan government since i moved here about 4 years ago from south korea. so, i know well about korean history and what is north korea..... maybe....
i really hope to learn a lot about our countries goverment system and to have a greater understanding of our voting process! i really want to vote when im of age and i want to know how my vote counts and what im voting for. i hate to admit it but im pretty naive when it comes to our goverment system now so i hope that can change by the end of this class!
Out of this nine weeks I expect to understand more about what the government is doing and how we can voice our opinion openly (we don't voice it now because of fear of others opinions). I don't often watch the news because i believe its mostly boring/depressing but i would want to more now so i understand whats going on in the elections, the war, etc. We should care about politics more than we are now because if we say we want someone to be president but don't understand what they stand for or plan to do in office and we vote them into office then we are responsible for what he does in office. We should care to learn about politics and government so we understand who to vote for/not vote for.
I hope that I can learn more about our governement in a way that is more exciting than I have learned about our history in the past. I don't really pay attention to what Congress is doing or what Obama is planning to do, but I hope you, Mr. Fitz, can change that!
We do live in a country where we are fortunate to have a say in what we believe in. It is important to listen to what politics and the governement is saying or doing because those decisions and opinions affect all of us.
What I expect from you these nine weeks is to teach us with the best of your ability. Obviously you will have some bad days and the class as a whole will have some bad days but we’re human. It’s how we react to certain situations that are a true judge of character. The purpose of a government is to provide for the safety and protection of the citizens. It protects the nation from foreign and domestic enemies and violence, provides services, fire protection, state and local police, armed forces, and regulates things like interstate commerce and trade with other nations. A government also has the obligation to protect the rights of the citizens, though not all governments do that. A national government must protect the rights of citizens and of states' rights. The government's functions are to provide social order, security, public services, and economic systems for the citizens. In other words yes I believe having a government is practical to have.
I really like any type of social studies whether it be from geography, u.s. history, world history, government, or economics. It truly interest me so all I expect is to hopefully better understand the governments in the world because to me you seem like a great teacher. Also I been lucky all my years at Hebron to have great social studies teachers, so this seem like a great way to start to finish my senior year.
If we did not have a source of government to keep order I believe this country could become broken shambles. Because there would be no law meaning no protection from the violent criminals. Personally without some sort of confinement of these criminals how will someone ever learn their lesson, but I know confinement doesn't always work because it probably just piss them off more that they are locked up. Making a criminal even more on the crazy edge of the cliff, which as soon as released the commit the same crime feeling they won't ever be caught again.
I don't like politics personally because I feel that it has reached into big Corporation that work with oil and natural resources, ands maybe in the Professional Sports leagues. But I believe that without these politics we the people would be in bigger harm because politics give the people an option to get their word out on certain things brought up around the country allowing us to function as one. Because everyone is going to have an opinion. I believe that without government and politics a country could easily fall apart and drift towards anarchy and I don't think the common person wants to turn out like that.
I plan to to come out understanding some reasons why the government is the way it is, and whats going to happen in the future.
We should care about the government first of all because it affects everybody. Either good or bad it will affect you. Second of all its what this country is built upon, without the government the county would run into the ground and we would have no justice. We should also care about politics because it helps you get informed and if your not well inform and you vote, that one vote could possible make a huge change for the worse f our country.
I expect to learn much more about the U.S. government, than what we just see on television at home. I am excited for these nine weeks to be an interesting and fun class, that involves everyone to voice their opinion about their point of views on the government. But also learning from each other too. I also hope to understand how our government works and learn ways on how we can improve it in the future.
We should care about the government and politics because it determines what will and can happen in the future. The government can can be very confusing to understand when most of what we see are debates about politics constantly. Basically our daily lives are surrounded by choices that our government makes, and for us to learn and make solutions on improvement, we can change our future for the better.
I, as a student, expect you to be a teacher who loves to teach the subject he/she is trained for and not one who only teaches to live day by day on the cruddy salary you recive from the school board. I have already seen that from you, just by your personality and your excitement toward learn about recent news. This will be by far my favorite history class I have ever taken. Also politics are neccisary in everydays society because you would be wondering why it is getting harder to sell your house, why its getting harder to get a job, and why every product is jumping up in price. Sadly people find politics to be boring, but I beilive you can easyly change that in many people.
For you as a teacher all I really expect is to learn in the class. So far this year you seem to have taken an interesting point of view on government. Also the class itself is quite interesting and is not just a routine class. I hope that maybe this new type of atmosphere will help me to learn government and politics. I would like better understand the setup of government and how government and politics work. I am not very familiar and would like to learn how to get more involved with politics.
We should be proactive in government and politics because our daily lives are circled around government. Our history of the United States is part of government. Caring about government is pretty much caring for our future and others futures. Hopefully once we understand flow of politics we can improve and change it for future generations.
During this nine weeks, I hope to learn and understand more about our government system, and how I can get involved with it. I haven't really been into politics here in the past, so I think this class will be beneficial for me.
We should care about politics because government is what runs our country, what keeps it going. Our future is dependent on the decisions we make for the government. If no one cared about politics, then our country would be totally destroyed. We would not be anywhere close to where we are today if people didn't care about what goes on with the government and who is currently in control of the nation.
I hope you can help me learn more about are countrys specific government and make me look at it differently so that I think are government really isnt screwed up. I also hope you can help me alot because i learn a little slower.
We should care about govenrment and politics so that we can come together and help this country and better are selves for the futur.
I expect you to teach us about the different governments of the world and how they compare to ours. As well as teach us enough about how our own government works so I can have a better understanding of what is going on in our country so that I can be involved as much as possible.
We should care because this is our country and we need to know how our system works. If we don't have an understanding about our government and how it works we will have no way to involve ourselves in government and voice our opinions so we can make changes for the well being of our nation.
i expect you to teach us more about government. i think youre methods are more creative than other teachers. and we need government and politcs because they keep the order and keep situations some what controlled.
In this class i want to learn more about government and understand better the way it works and what it does for us.
We should care about government and politics because it's what keeps us out of chaos. It helps us stay under control and keep things organized. Without government there would be no rules to follow and nothing keeping us structured and civilized.
I really dont know a lot about our goverment system and you seam to Mr. Fitz so i really am expecting to leave the class with and incredibly broadened knowledge of our goverment system! i plan to vote when i am of age and i wanna know how my vote counts and what im voting for! and its damn important to know about your goverment system and to not just live by it but know what rules and system your living by!!
ReplyDeleteThis is great, I just need to know who you are.
ReplyDeleteWell..I never really expect alot from a teacher when it comes to it all I can ask for is to know more about our goverment and the way they work "behind the scenes". I will never question your teaching abilities and your knowledge for this class or anything else that you may throw at us if its knowledge then its one more thing to learn and use to be successful. So welcome to Hebron and I hope you enjoy teaching our class!
ReplyDeleteWhy should we care about politics ?? Well Number one ..why shouldn't we? I think the Gov. is a very interesting thing to know about there are many things we dont know that may be more interesting than the things we already know such as how a bill becomes a law and other boring stuff. I bet if we paid enough attention to what is really going on then we would have something to back ourself on when in a debate and not to go off of things we "THINK" we know. JUST SAYIN
I don't really know what to think of this class yet, but it seems like you are probably going to make the class interesting, and have things for us to do each day instead of just a bunch of note taking. It's important that we care about government and politics because our votes and actions are going to shape the nation, and ignorant voting is bad for everyone.
ReplyDeletefrom you mr.fritz i excpect a lot of good old fashioned humor mixed in with our govenrment system. becuase in all honosty how can we not have a good time in your class with presidents like obama to make fun of. and to answer the second question i think we should care so much about our government and its politics becuase it will effect us in some way or another, whether it be taxes or illigal immigration. both things i try to keep up to date with as much as possible. ( sorry about the spelling )
ReplyDeletei expect to learn alot about our government as well as some interestingly funny facts. with obama its hard not to crack a few jokes. you seem to be a great teacher with a lot of enthusiasm which is great cuase this class will put you to the test for sure. and for the second question, its important to care becuase the government spends my taxes everyday and id like to know where its going. oh and for the good of the people... ( sorry about the spelling )
ReplyDeleteShane Kelley
I expect to have a fun, interesting, and different kind of learning experience. A lot of past history teachers have made me shy away from it, but I expect that you will get us involved and help us actually enjoy the class.
ReplyDeleteWe should care about government because it is the institution of our country. Without it, there would be no one to enforce the laws and policies. "Politics enables a society to decide who will reap the benefits, and who will pay the costs of its public policies"(the textbook) If we start ignoring the government and politics, America won't be able to survive in the modern world. Ignorance would lead to destruction. All heck would break loose, and everyone would have to fend for themselves. We should also learn about the government, so we know how it affects us in our daily lives. We have to know if the government is going to let us keep our civil rights, going to go to war, or take away all our social security.
My expectations for you is along as you can get us from point A to point B it's alright. It don't matter if its a smooth ride or a rough ride. As long as you can give us the info to pass your class with a 100 that's fine by me.
ReplyDeleteWe should care about government because our lives and our wallets are on the line. And those are the two most important things in life.
I expect to learn from you in a slightly non conformist way and have fun doing it! What I've seen the past two days is exciting and I look forward to coming to your class. You have expectations for us but you don't try to over control, and you also relate to us without trying. It's very cool...to me anyways.
ReplyDeleteWe need to care about government and politics because its our future. My generation has the power to change and control our future. Living in a democracy is gift, but you have to understand in order to initiate change. Our future can be bright if we, the government,the economy etc. can hold on until November 2012.
What do I expect from you these next eight and a half weeks? NO HOMEWORK!!!... I can at least hope. I expect you to get me up to date on all the mumbo jumbo in politics and government. You seem to love what you're doing and hopefully that passion will rub off on me.
ReplyDeleteHonestly I dont know why politics are THAT important. All it is, is drama. It gets people riled up and rigid and on edge with each other for most of the time. Don't get me wrong, we need a system in order to keep us organized and out of trouble, there's no doubt about that. But it's just a lot of back stabbing and law suites if you ask me.
Hmmm, no homework is probably not going to happen. But in order to get credit for these posts I'm going to have to know who you are...
ReplyDeleteYes there is a lot of back-stabbing and lawsuits that goes on in politics. But my job is to help you see through the crooks and liars so you can understand the system.
"Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
-Winston Churchill
I expect to have an enjoyable class where I can learn alot. I'm pretty happy that I have a teacher that likes The Onion as much as I do. (I've watched most of their videos on youtube)
ReplyDeleteI expect to be more educated about the system that runs our country. Many Americans are blind when it comes to current events and I hope I can be more motivated in this class to stay up to date with things going on around the world. It is important to be educated about government and politics because one must know his rights explicitly and know how to assert them. We also need to understand why certain decisions have or will be made and know who these decisions will really affect. Citizens should be aware of what the people who run this country are doing and not just accept hearing the word from other people at dinner.
This nine weeks I would love to be able to really know whats going on in the political world. I have a general idea but would really like to know more. I mean I have the Huffington Post app on my phone but I tend to head directly towards the entertainment and comedy sections as I am not as informed on the political section. And the reason we should care is because all the stuff the government is doing now is what were going to live with. and to make informed decisions as a voter we need to know the history behind things. and because we get money if we care enough to pass the AP test.:)
ReplyDeleteLike what pretty much everyone else said, I'm not quite sure what exactly to expect out of you as a teacher. Based on my experiences over the past couple of days, I'm sure I'll be learning a lot about the formation of our government and how it's constantly changing and yet, fundamentally, staying the same. You're obviously very enthusiastic and passionate about what you're teaching and I love the fact that you're a fan of the onion =].
ReplyDeleteBecause our government affects us directly, it's important for us to be aware of what rules we're following and why we're following them, as well as how to make our opinions heard so that we as Americans can contribute to this "democracy". We live in this country and we should know how it runs. "People who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives." - James Madison
To expect enlightenment would be a fallacy. No insult to you Mr Fitz. In order to harbor a biased and holistic understanding of our government processes, I feel it necessary to come with relatively low expectations for the political machines in action. Pessimissism? No, Absolutely not. Rather, it's a hope to come to terms with the sobering aspects of government and see through all the ideological "hooplah."
ReplyDeleteRichy Charls
ReplyDeleteI expect you, Mr. Fitz, to be an instructor that teaches me AP government to the degree that I can be successful on the AP Exam. Your teaching style is unique and as long as the information gets in with minimal pain, I'm all in.
Second, government and politics may seem distant and removed from much of our daily lives. In reality, knowing about what systems and institutions guide our lives and what decisions are being made can be immensely important. Thus, the material that is taught in the textbook can and should be applied to our daily lives so that we can be well aware of our political surroundings that affect not only policies but our job, families, communities etc.
I hope that by the end of the class I'll have a clear understanding of how I can be involved in our government. Not only through voting though. By the end of the class I hope that we'll understand more of how to effectively make changes in our government outside of just going to a voting booth every few years.
ReplyDeleteWe should care about our government because without that care then the power behind way the our government works is destroyed. Without caring about our government our government won't care about us.
since mr. fitz is a young teacher, i expect that i can communicate more than older teachers. i dont know about other government class teachers but i bet mr. fitz are the best!
ReplyDeletewe need to know the government because we needto know whats going on in the world and we can get some help and protections from governments in this auch a violent world. and i dont know much about amerocan government since i moved here about 4 years ago from south korea. so, i know well about korean history and what is north korea..... maybe....
i really hope to learn a lot about our countries goverment system and to have a greater understanding of our voting process! i really want to vote when im of age and i want to know how my vote counts and what im voting for. i hate to admit it but im pretty naive when it comes to our goverment system now so i hope that can change by the end of this class!
ReplyDeleteOut of this nine weeks I expect to understand more about what the government is doing and how we can voice our opinion openly (we don't voice it now because of fear of others opinions). I don't often watch the news because i believe its mostly boring/depressing but i would want to more now so i understand whats going on in the elections, the war, etc.
ReplyDeleteWe should care about politics more than we are now because if we say we want someone to be president but don't understand what they stand for or plan to do in office and we vote them into office then we are responsible for what he does in office. We should care to learn about politics and government so we understand who to vote for/not vote for.
I hope that I can learn more about our governement in a way that is more exciting than I have learned about our history in the past. I don't really pay attention to what Congress is doing or what Obama is planning to do, but I hope you, Mr. Fitz, can change that!
ReplyDeleteWe do live in a country where we are fortunate to have a say in what we believe in. It is important to listen to what politics and the governement is saying or doing because those decisions and opinions affect all of us.
What I expect from you these nine weeks is to teach us with the best of your ability. Obviously you will have some bad days and the class as a whole will have some bad days but we’re human. It’s how we react to certain situations that are a true judge of character.
ReplyDeleteThe purpose of a government is to provide for the safety and protection of the citizens. It protects the nation from foreign and domestic enemies and violence, provides services, fire protection, state and local police, armed forces, and regulates things like interstate commerce and trade with other nations. A government also has the obligation to protect the rights of the citizens, though not all governments do that. A national government must protect the rights of citizens and of states' rights. The government's functions are to provide social order, security, public services, and economic systems for the citizens. In other words yes I believe having a government is practical to have.
I really like any type of social studies whether it be from geography, u.s. history, world history, government, or economics. It truly interest me so all I expect is to hopefully better understand the governments in the world because to me you seem like a great teacher. Also I been lucky all my years at Hebron to have great social studies teachers, so this seem like a great way to start to finish my senior year.
ReplyDeleteIf we did not have a source of government to keep order I believe this country could become broken shambles. Because there would be no law meaning no protection from the violent criminals. Personally without some sort of confinement of these criminals how will someone ever learn their lesson, but I know confinement doesn't always work because it probably just piss them off more that they are locked up. Making a criminal even more on the crazy edge of the cliff, which as soon as released the commit the same crime feeling they won't ever be caught again.
I don't like politics personally because I feel that it has reached into big Corporation that work with oil and natural resources, ands maybe in the Professional Sports leagues. But I believe that without these politics we the people would be in bigger harm because politics give the people an option to get their word out on certain things brought up around the country allowing us to function as one. Because everyone is going to have an opinion. I believe that without government and politics a country could easily fall apart and drift towards anarchy and I don't think the common person wants to turn out like that.
I plan to to come out understanding some reasons why the government is the way it is, and whats going to happen in the future.
ReplyDeleteWe should care about the government first of all because it affects everybody. Either good or bad it will affect you. Second of all its what this country is built upon, without the government the county would run into the ground and we would have no justice.
We should also care about politics because it helps you get informed and if your not well inform and you vote, that one vote could possible make a huge change for the worse f our country.
I expect to learn much more about the U.S. government, than what we just see on television at home. I am excited for these nine weeks to be an interesting and fun class, that involves everyone to voice their opinion about their point of views on the government. But also learning from each other too. I also hope to understand how our government works and learn ways on how we can improve it in the future.
ReplyDeleteWe should care about the government and politics because it determines what will and can happen in the future. The government can can be very confusing to understand when most of what we see are debates about politics constantly. Basically our daily lives are surrounded by choices that our government makes, and for us to learn and make solutions on improvement, we can change our future for the better.
I, as a student, expect you to be a teacher who loves to teach the subject he/she is trained for and not one who only teaches to live day by day on the cruddy salary you recive from the school board. I have already seen that from you, just by your personality and your excitement toward learn about recent news. This will be by far my favorite history class I have ever taken. Also politics are neccisary in everydays society because you would be wondering why it is getting harder to sell your house, why its getting harder to get a job, and why every product is jumping up in price. Sadly people find politics to be boring, but I beilive you can easyly change that in many people.
ReplyDeleteFor you as a teacher all I really expect is to learn in the class. So far this year you seem to have taken an interesting point of view on government. Also the class itself is quite interesting and is not just a routine class. I hope that maybe this new type of atmosphere will help me to learn government and politics. I would like better understand the setup of government and how government and politics work. I am not very familiar and would like to learn how to get more involved with politics.
ReplyDeleteWe should be proactive in government and politics because our daily lives are circled around government. Our history of the United States is part of government. Caring about government is pretty much caring for our future and others futures. Hopefully once we understand flow of politics we can improve and change it for future generations.
During this nine weeks, I hope to learn and understand more about our government system, and how I can get involved with it. I haven't really been into politics here in the past, so I think this class will be beneficial for me.
ReplyDeleteWe should care about politics because government is what runs our country, what keeps it going. Our future is dependent on the decisions we make for the government. If no one cared about politics, then our country would be totally destroyed. We would not be anywhere close to where we are today if people didn't care about what goes on with the government and who is currently in control of the nation.
I hope you can help me learn more about are countrys specific government and make me look at it differently so that I think are government really isnt screwed up. I also hope you can help me alot because i learn a little slower.
ReplyDeleteWe should care about govenrment and politics so that we can come together and help this country and better are selves for the futur.
I expect you to teach us about the different governments of the world and how they compare to ours. As well as teach us enough about how our own government works so I can have a better understanding of what is going on in our country so that I can be involved as much as possible.
ReplyDeleteWe should care because this is our country and we need to know how our system works. If we don't have an understanding about our government and how it works we will have no way to involve ourselves in government and voice our opinions so we can make changes for the well being of our nation.
i expect you to teach us more about government. i think youre methods are more creative than other teachers. and we need government and politcs because they keep the order and keep situations some what controlled.
ReplyDeleteIn this class i want to learn more about government and understand better the way it works and what it does for us.
ReplyDeleteWe should care about government and politics because it's what keeps us out of chaos. It helps us stay under control and keep things organized. Without government there would be no rules to follow and nothing keeping us structured and civilized.